Exoplanets Homepage


The Ulitmate Novelty Gift

Buy and name your own Exoplanet...

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A New Beginning

Create a new home on a new planet around a new star, an opportunity for you and your family in the generations to come. And you get to make all the rules.

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A Preppers Sanctuary

When you need a bolt hole nothing else comes close. Owning your own Exoplanet ensures the preservation of you, your family and your descendants, forever.

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Get the Freehold Title & Deeds and Bill of Rights

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How to align your Telescope

To align your telescope to an exoplanet you will need the RA & DEC coordinates, these coordinates can be found on the planet detail page for each exoplanet. See Astro physics for a guide to aligning your telescope using RA & DEC.


Official Recognition

Your exoplanet is assured official recognition, Galactic Central regularly updates key astronomical societies and observatories around the world with the new correct exoplanet names. In addition we at Galactic Central endeavour to uphold, defend and support all legal rights for exoplanet freehold title and deeds owners. This includes but is not limited to, all landing, mineral and development rights.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? I'm here to answer! If you cant see your question or want to ask one, then drop us a
message on our Contact page. Located at the footer of this page. Click on the qestion's below to view the reponse.

Yes you can, when filling out the purchase form just enter the recievers name into the 'receivers name' input box, and then the delivery address of the reciever in the input box below it.
The planet will still be displayed in the browse planets page, but no longer available for others to purchase. The new Exoplanet name will be displayed in the ‘planet name’ column. In the Exoplanet’s detail page the new planet name is displayed along with the GLM(Galactic Lord and Master/Mistress) owners name, accompanied with a ‘SOLD’ sign.
The Freehold Title and Deeds last for eternity, as does the title GLM(Galactic Lord and Master/Mistress). Remember these are hereditary to you and you're descendants ad infinitum.
You can change or rename the owner of your Exoplanet, just send us a message using the Contact Us page and let us know what changes need to be made.
Rest assured that all exoplanet ownership details are securely held in our database. These include the legal Freehold Title and Deeds ownership details which are strictly upheld and supported by us at Galactic Central, the Aliens and the wider community. No other lifeform will be able to claim ownership of an exoplanet if it has your purchase details.
Your Exoplanet Legal rights, responsibilities and regulations are laid out in detail on your Bill of Rights certificate.
You can change the ownership details of your Exoplanet, just send us a message using the Contact Us page and let us know what changes need to be made.
Yes you can rename your Exoplanet, use the Contact Us page to let us know the changes that you want to make.
The Exoplanet Freehold Title and Deeds including the title GLM(Galctic Lord and Master/Mistress) are hereditary. You can adjust your Will to transfer ownership in accordance with your wishes.